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Android SDK

The most important piece of software you need to download is, of course, the Android SDK. the Android SDK contains all of the packages and tools required to develop a functional Android application. The SDKs are named after the version of Android OS to which they correspond.By default, the Marshmallow SDK was installed with Android Studio , which means you can develop applications that will run seamlessly on devices with Android Marshmallow.

However, if you want to install a different Android SDK , you can do so using the SDK Manager from the Android Studio welcome screen. from this screen,click the Configure drop-down menu in the lower-right corner. The Configure selection menu opens.Choose SDK Manager from this menu.

The SDK configuration screen , shows that the Marshmallow SDK is already installed. Android N is available to be installed (as of the writing of this blog Android Nougat was in a finalized beta , so it might be named differently now).

Select Pie , click Apply , and then click OK . However, before the SDK is installed you must accept the licensing agreement.

The setup process for Android Studio is now Complete . the next section explains how to set up an Android Virtual Device that you can use to test your applications.


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