Android Studio 4.2 discharged to steady channel
Hilt is stable and ready for production
Manuel Vivo wrote about the stable release of Hilt,
Android Jetpack’s recommended dependency injection (DI) solution for
Android apps. Hilt is a simpler, more opinionated way to leverage the
power of the Dagger DI library, eliminating boilerplate and reducing
errors. It provides direct injection support for popular Jetpack
libraries such as ViewModel, WorkManager, Navigation, and Compose. (DI Basics, Documentation)
Google Play updates
Google Play announced upcoming policy changes around app metadata, such
as prohibiting certain keywords in the icon, title and developer name.
There are also new guidelines for the feature graphics, screenshots,
videos, and short descriptions in your listing. The blog has all the details, including the timeframe for rolling out the changes.
Play also blogged
about an upcoming safety section to give users more transparency and
control over their data. To that end, we’ll ask you to share information
about what type of identifying data you collect and store, how that
data is used, and to implement a privacy policy.
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